donderdag 14 juli 2011

almost end of the week

Yes, I know, I've started to write in English.  Since I've got a new teamleader at work, who's american by the way, I talk, write and sometimes even think in English.   And when it's really bad, I even talk to myself in English.  So how obsessed can you get?Though I do feel it's a good exercise.

I'm glad it's almost weekend.  I'm so tired this week, I could sleep all day long.  My husband thinks I've trouble sleeping worring over my mom who's in the hospital.  And although I know everything is pretty much ok, I can't seem to keep my head.  But tomorrow I'm gonna quit working early and go visit.

But I'm already thinking what I'm supposed to do over the weekend.  I guess the usual: clean the house, do some advance cooking so I don't have a lot of work during the week, go out for groceries and thinking which cupcakes to make.  I'm thinking mangocupcakes with white chocolate.

I'll post some pictures later.