zondag 30 september 2012

Sketch a gogo!

Hi everyone,

now I'm really into these challenges, and this is what I made from the sketch we got.  I know it's a bit early to start with X-mascards.  But in my opinion you can never start to soon on them.  I still had this beautifull themed paper from Fizzy Moon and it turned out to be a great choice.

These are the cards I made with the given sketch:

entered challenge: http://creanijn.blogspot.be/2012/09/ckc001-kaart-met-een-schets.html

I'm still working on my 'Jacobs ladder'.  Digging through all my things, I found out I still had some cardboard left, so this will do perfectly as a basis. 
Next friday it's Creabeurs in Flanders Expo in Gent, and I'm going to look for some nice scrapbookpaper for this project. 

But also needs some paper for another project I'm already thinking about. 
People who know me, are aware that I'm a huge metal fan, more specifically Rammstein.  I have this special box with all the material I found on them, pictures I took (also from other band I like), a lot of tickets from concerts (and festivals!), entrancebracelets, etc...
And it's been for a while that I really wanted this nice scrapbookalbum where all that material would be in.

So another opportunity to check out all the stands!

See you next time!  Kaat

maandag 24 september 2012

Challenge from Creanijn

I've been following Creanijn for a while and it always amazes me how many gorgeous items they've got.  Now I like to enter their challenge: an LO with a set of colours.

CSC#001: Maak een layout met deze kleurcombo

I've decided to make a double LO.  I tried to get as close as I could to the given colours.

This is an LO about a family day out to the Ster in Sint-Niklaas wich the kids enjoyed realy much.

See you next time! Kaat

zondag 23 september 2012

Time goes fast!

Finally I made the last 2 pages of my mini-scrapbook.  Although it's not finished yet,  I'm still waiting for the picture made this month.   Hopefully it will arrive soon.  I showed it to my husband and he was suprised by the fact that time goes so fast!  Especially the one where Eleni was just in the first year of kindergarten en Gino was just a toddler.  And now, we're already worrying what to do about highschool.

Nevertheless, it still a few years!  So there are still pages to make.  But here they are:

Next will be starting to check out that "Jacob's ladder".  But I've also started to choose pictures and paper for the challenge from Creanijn. The 1st saturday of October will be there soon!

See you later! Kaat

vrijdag 21 september 2012

It's friday!

Hi everybody,

Finally it's friday.  It was a very tiring week doing 2 jobs.  But besides going to bed early, I still found some time to make a few more pages for my mini-scrapbook. 

Everytime I start working on them, I think to myself, wauw they grow up so fast.  And that I should treasure those pictures because when they go to highschool they won't be together on schoolpictures anymore. Or they won't want to (puberty, etc...).  So I'm gonna hold on to that mini-book!

I found another great idea.  In between the pages, there's room for a card (since it's made from enveloppes) I gonna look for those old childressongs and poetry.  That way I'll still remember them for when grandchildren will be born and I can tell them: "look, these were your mom and dad and they used to sing those songs and say those poems".

Working with these schoolpictures, I realised I could still do more with them. There's always a little picture (the one I'm using for these pages) and also 6 little one's.  Usually they're is one in my wallet, but now I saw this "Jacob's ladder".  And the grandparents are always asking for pictures from the kids, so these would make very nice X-maspresents.

See you later! Kaat

maandag 17 september 2012

A busy weekend

It's not always having fun on weekends, driving the kids to their hobbies, going out for groceries and the biggest part is of course cleaning the house. I got a small system: I always do 1 thing very good, for example the bedrooms or the livingroom, kitchen or etc. And between things to do, doing laudry!
Sometimes a person wonders how to do this in a single day so he can still have some fun.  But I managed.

On sunday I had to do some baking.  My daughter Eleni has her birthday in summervacation and she still wanted to give her classmates a treat.  But in the first week of the schoolweek this is nearly impossible to do and now everything slowed down, she remembered me that she wanted to give brownies.

On this site I always find very good recipies with a nice twist : http://www.mybakingaddiction.com/

And finally I had some time left over on sunday evening, when everything got quiet, to make another page for my mini-scrapbook.

Up to the next! See you  next time!


dinsdag 11 september 2012


School started again for my kids and already the schoolphotographer payed them a visit.  Looking through my pictures I found some old ones of my kids together on schoolphoto's.

On my last post I already said I wanted to make a mini-scrapalbum with enveloppes and this was the perfect occasion. Is there any better way to keep such memories?! I hope I can do this for a long time.

Now, this project will take some time, I'm gonna post as the come along.
This is the outside of the album and the 1st picture. Got to remember wich year that was!

I did make another card (finally got some inspiration). Perfect for a baby girl.

See you later with more news, bye! Kaat

woensdag 5 september 2012

A vacation scrap

Hey everybody,

I've been working on a scrapLO of our vacation in France.  It's always so difficult to choose from all the pictures you made.  You got 2 options: you make 1 entire album of your vacation or you make a double LO with the pictures that you like.

Enjoying the scenery, ice-cream, playing with dad in the swimming pool or inventing a new sport.

Anything is possible on vacation!

Next challenge for me: making a miniscrapalbum from enveloppes.  No kidding, you can make mini-albums from the oddest things. First things first, one from enveloppes, we'll see how that goes.

Goodnight everybody!

zondag 2 september 2012

Making cards

A new baby is born! Our neighbours at work have a son and little brother, Noah.  We had no idea and when the new mommy dropped of some candy to celebrate, I just had to make a card.

And also, I'll need to have some inspiration for more because a lot of people are pregnant. Amongst them: my niece, my cousins wife and 2 collegues.

See you later!