donderdag 7 februari 2013

A few more challenges

Hey everyone,

it's thursday again.  I've been home for a few days, my son was ill with the flu and was in need of some mommy attention.  Today was dad's turn. 

Also, vacation is just arround the corner and we got lots of things to do on our list.  We're going to Ikea because I'm in desperate need of some storageboxes for my daughters toys and craftingthings and please please something to store all of our shoes (because now they're just lying arround and it's really bugging me!)

Now, where you all come to see my blog, a new LO and a few cards for a few challenges.

First challenge is from MOJOmonday

Second challenge is from Freshly Made Sketches

Third challenge is from Mi Cas es su Cas, I've croched the flower myself.

And last but not least, another LO with pictures from the old hat.  These cute little cars are from 1929-1931 and still drive arround, but mostly their owners just like to show them arround.

See you next time!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Pretty cards! Have fun at Ikea - I love to go there :)

  2. Great cards Kaat! Love the flower and that lace trim! Hope you were able to find something that worked for you at IKEA! Thanks for joining us this week at Freshly Made Sketches!

  3. Ook al zo'n leuke gehaakte bloem. Leuke kaart heb je ermee gemaakt. Bedankt voor je deelname bij MCSC

  4. Mooie uitwerking van de schets!
    Bedankt voor je deelname aan MCSC.
    Groetjes Ellen

  5. Wat goed dat je zelf de bloem gehaakt hebt, dat doe ik je niet na! Hij staat prachtig op deze kaart. Leuk dat je meedoet bij MCSC.
